If they’re going to watch, give them something to look at

The Studio is a one-stop-shop for anyone looking to make themselves more attractive to employers and customers. 

We provide services such as photography, web design, and graphic design to help people present a complete identity on and offline, personally and professionally.

Personal branding is not just a buzzword. It is an opportunity for each individual to carefully curate the way they want to be seen. 

TGRG Client, Michelle De Leon
“My publicist for World Afro Day encouraged me to get some new photos done and I love the results. I encourage everyone to get some empowering shots done.

Website design

Whether its for a business or an individual, a website is an essential component of your marketing and sales strategy. It provides a central location for people to learn more about you and your business. Our dedicated designers work alongside you to create a digital home that’s reflective of you.


Having great professional photographs is a valuable investment. Whether you’re representing yourself or your organisation, having a set of quality photographs to share when needed speaks volumes and how you want to be valued.